Woods Hole Terminal Reconstruction Project

Posted: July 5, 2024

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To report concerns about construction or environmental issues concerning the Woods Hole Terminal Reconstruction Project. Please call 508-289-4428 to be connected with either Sean Mulcahy or another Authority staff member, should you have a concern that needs immediate attention. As always, you can also email Sean Mulcahy at smulcahy@steamshipauthority.com or call his office during work hours at 508-548-5011, ext. 428.

WHTRP 07122024

July 12, 2024, update

THIS WEEK, L & L Form Work Construction continues fabricating form work for the utility building concrete foundation walls and working with ABLS Rebar LLC iron workers, who are placing and tying rebar. A second delivery of rebar was delivered on Tuesday for the mass concrete slab mat around the elevator pit.

NEXT WEEK, ABLS Rebar and L & L will continue to work together placing forms and tying rebar. Colantonio Inc., the general contractor, should have the first concrete placement for the utility building footings late this week. 

July 5, 2024, update

THIS WEEK, L & L Form Work Construction fabricated form work for the utility building concrete foundation walls. They also received their first delivery of rebar for the project.

NEXT WEEK, L & L Form Work Construction will continue fabrication of form work for Utility Building concrete foundation walls. Iron workers will start to install and tie rebar for the Utility Building footings, piers, and elevator pit.

June 28, 2024, update

THIS WEEK, L & L Form Work Construction continued to erect the wood form work for rebar and concrete placement for the utility building foundation footings.

NEXT WEEK, L & L Form Work Construction will continue to prefab wall form work for the utility building foundation and also start to place rebar for footings.

June 21, 2024, update

THIS WEEK, Lawrence-Lynch Corp. finished up the excavation for the utility building concrete foundation footings and placing crushed stone for foundation stability.

NEXT WEEKLawrence-Lynch Corp. will be starting to place formwork for the placement of rebar and concrete for the utility building footings.

June 14, 2024, update:

THIS WEEK, Lawrence-Lynch Corp. excavated for the utility building concrete foundation footings and placed crushed stone for foundation stability.

NEXT WEEKLawrence-Lynch Corp. will continue excavation for the utility building concrete foundation footings. 


June 7, 2024, update: 

THIS WEEK, there was no major construction activity. Genera contractor Colantonio Inc. cleaned up the construction staging area and placed crushed stone at the 12 geothermal well locations for the utility building. They are prepping to start excavation for the utility building concrete foundation footings.

NEXT WEEKLawrence-Lynch Corp. will be excavating for the utility building concrete foundation footings and will be digging a test pit to locate electrical duct banks and manholes. Job-specific construction mockups will be ongoing.

May 31, 2024, update:

THIS WEEK, LaFramboise Well Drilling finished drilling the 12 geothermal wells and grouting the thermal loops for the utility building. They are cleaning the area and making a safe future construction laydown area for the utility building. They are demobilizing their equipment and will return in a few weeks to start trenching for the underground lateral geothermal piping lines that will eventually enter the utility building to supply the HVAC equipment. This future work will only consist of trench excavation, piping, leak testing, and backfilling of trenches. Drill rigs are moving off site. 

NEXT WEEK, no significant construction is anticipated.  Colantonio Inc., the general contractor, will be constructing mock-ups of required concrete form work and other requirements per the contract specifications.

May 24, 2024, update:

THIS WEEK, LaFramboise Drilling completed 10 out of 12 wells to 255 feet deep and and installed the thermal piping loops in the upper parking/construction staging area for the new utility building. LaFramboise will not be working tomorrow Friday due to the holiday weekend.

NEXT WEEK, LaFramboise will not be working on Monday due to the Memorial Day holiday. Laframboise will finish drilling and placing loops in the last two well locations in the upper parking/construction staging area for the utility building. They will then proceed to grout each well to encase the thermal loops and clean up the work area.

May 17, 2024, update:

THIS WEEK, LaFramboise Well Drilling finished 20 of the 27 wells in vehicular staging lane Nos. 1-9. LaFramboise will be placing well caps on the seven wells completed in lane Nos. 1-2, then cleaning the area and asphalting over the wells to open the lanes by Friday night. LaFramboise drill rigs have moved into the upper construction staging area in the employee parking lot. There are 12 geothermal wells to drill and pipe for the new utility building. Lawrence Lynch Inc. has finished the support of excavation wall by the site of the new utility building. 

NEXT WEEK, LaFramboise Well Drilling will continue drilling the 12 geothermal wells for the utility building in the upper construction staging area.  

May 10, 2024, update:

THIS WEEK, the 13 geothermal wells in staging lanes Nos. 6-9 were finished and the work area was cleaned up. Operations moved to staging lanes Nos. 1-2. There are seven geothermal wells to drill in this area. 

NEXT WEEKthe remaining geothermal wells in staging lanes Nos. 1-2 will be finished, then work will move to staging lanes Nos. 2-4 to finish the final seven geothermal wells in the vehicular staging area. Excavation will start to place the wood lagging between the steel "H" soldier piles that were previously driven into the ground at area of the new utility building for the support of excavation wall. This is to support the existing boulder retaining wall along the southeastern property line during construction.

May 3, 2024, update:

THIS WEEK, the last of the 13 geothermal wells in the area of staging lanes 6 through 9 are being finished. Wells will then be grouted and capped off. Work in this area is expected to be finished either this week or early next week. Work will then move to staging areas lanes 1 through 5. There are 14 more wells to drill and complete in this area. Also, 11 30-foot length steel "H" piles have been driven for the support of excavation (SOE) wall needed along the new utility building footprint and the existing boulder retaining wall along the property line.

NEXT WEEKthe geothermal well drilling will begin in lanes 1 through 5 of the staging area. The support of excavation wall will be excavated, and the wood lagging will be placed in lifts to prevent any issues along the boulder retaining wall that is in place while we excavate for future concrete foundation at new utility building.

April 26, 2024, update:

THIS WEEK, LaFramboise Well Drilling continued geothermal well drilling in staging area lanes No. 6 through No. 9. Lawrence Lynch Corp. is removing the remaining foundation walls and footings of the freight shed. 

NEXT WEEK, the installation of the geothermal wells in the vehicle staging area will continue. Lanes No. 6 through No. 9 will be closed Monday, April 22, through Thursday, April 25. They will reopen from Friday, April 26, through the evening of Sunday, April 28.

April 12, 2024, update

Construction at the Woods Hole Terminal property is scheduled to resume the week of April 15, 2024. The work represents the project’s sixth phase overall.

The focus of this work will be installation of the wells for the geothermal system to provide heating and cooling for both the terminal building and adjacent utility building at the site. Colantonio Inc. of Holliston, Massachusetts, the general contractor for the construction of the terminal and utility buildings, will be overseeing the drilling of all 27 wells in the vehicle staging area.

Minor impacts to vehicle staging are expected during this work, while no negative effects to vessel services are anticipated.

Work is expected to end in the vehicle staging area by May 17, 2024. At that time, work will begin on drilling 12 additional wells in the employee parking area at the southeast corner of the site. Working hours for the well-drilling phase of this project will be 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday-Thursday.

The Authority will resume its weekly project updates with the resumption of work at the site. 

Click here for videos of the Schematic Design and Design Development public engagement sessions.

January 19, 2022 Community Engagement Session Presentation 

November 4, 2021 Landside Community Update presentation

July 7, 2021 Landside Design Presentation

Landside Design Community Forum (updated 3/23/2021)

Related project documents

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